Business Loans

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Businesses often need loans to help them expand or to cover their funding requirements during quiet times. While most lenders are able to arrange a business loan, there are big differences in what terms each lender will offer.

We often find that a client’s existing business bank is not the most appropriate institution for them to obtain their finance from. This can be because they are too closely involved in the client’s business, meaning that in many cases they will apply a heavier risk rating to the interest rate.

We deal with over 40 lenders so we are able to provide plenty more options than just your current business bank. Some of the lenders we deal with will even provide you with a business loan at residential interest rates – and this has saved some of our clients up to 3% per annum in interest.

It is really worth looking into the options available to you regarding your business loan needs. The team at Intelligent Finance would be pleased to discuss this with you.

Contact us today for expert advice in all aspects of business loans backed by our full project management service that simplifies and streamlines the process.


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