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Commercial Finance

Intelligent Finance can act as your “private banker”. This means that not only can we arrange all your personal finance, we can arrange your commercial finance as well. We don’t just arrange your finances, we manage the whole process and we’ll keep you informed along the way.

At Intelligent Finance, we’re known for thinking outside the box and designing loan arrangements that are are innovative and in sync with our client’s precise needs. Our years of expertise have made us experts in the field of finance, along with our award winning customer service.

Over the years, we’ve set up structures and strategies for funding commercial assets that have saved our clients a lot of money. When you become a client of Intelligent Finance, you’ll quickly discover why we won #1 Mortgage Broking Business in Australia (at the Australian Mortgage Broking Awards).

Intelligent Finance can assist you with a variety of options and arrangements to meet all of your commercial finance needs, with knowledge, expertise, and service from our excellent team.

For specialist commercial finance advice, the sound choice is Intelligent Finance. Contact us today for more information.

Business Loans

Businesses often need loans to help them expand or to cover their funding requirements during quiet times. While most lenders are able to arrange a business loan, there are big differences in what terms each lender will offer.

We often find that a client’s existing business bank is not the most appropriate institution for them to obtain their finance from. This can be because they are too closely involved in the client’s business, meaning that in many cases they will apply a heavier risk rating to the interest rate.

We deal with over 40 lenders so we are able to provide plenty more options than just your current business bank. Some of the lenders we deal with will even provide you with a business loan at residential interest rates – and this has saved some of our clients up to 3% per annum in interest.

It is really worth looking into the options available to you regarding your business loan needs. The team at Intelligent Finance would be pleased to discuss this with you.

Contact us today for expert advice in all aspects of business loans backed by our full project management service that simplifies and streamlines the process.

Commercial Property

Whether you are buying a strata office, a commercial building or developing a building from scratch, Intelligent Finance is the ideal partner to arrange your finance.

We deal with over 40 lenders (including all the majors) and we are well versed in the different terms each offers, as well as their lending requirements. Armed with this knowledge, Intelligent Finance can identify which is the most appropriate lender for your requirements in terms of the commercial property loan’s structure, terms and rates.

There are many traps that even experienced commercial property owners fall into when borrowing money for commercial properties. You can avoid these pitfalls by drawing on our expertise in this important area.

Contact the team at Intelligent Finance today to arrange commercial property finance with the terms, structure and rates that are most favourable for your requirements.

Debtor Factoring

There is a famous saying in business that “cash is king”. Even a business that is profitable can fail if it has a poor or uneven cash flow. Debtor factoring provides a great facility for business-to-business service providers and wholesalers by enabling them to improve their cash flow and avoid having to wait for their customers to pay.

How debtor factoring works

As an example, if a wholesaler delivers $20,000 worth of goods to a retailer, they give the retailer an invoice that is payable in 30 – 90 days. The wholesaler would have rent, staff wages etc to pay in the interim, so they may have cashflow issues. To smooth out their cashflow, once they deliver the goods to the retailer we can organise for the wholesaler to receive up to $16,000 (up to 80% of the invoice total). Once the retailer pays the invoice in full, the wholesaler will be able to keep the balance $4,000 (20% of the total invoice) less a small fee and applicable interest for the time it took to have the invoice paid.

The fees that you incur with Debtor Factoring / Invoice Discounting can be passed on to clients who do not want to pay COD.

Debtor Factoring provides an ideal funding facility for businesses that want to grow.

The team at Intelligent Finance has specialist expertise in this area. Contact us today to find out how we can arrange debtor factoring finance to match your requirements.

Industrial Property

Industrial properties are not regarded as the most favoured security by lenders. They have limited uses and can be hard to rent out, so lenders are extremely cautious when considering industrial properties as security. It is therefore important that your finance application is presented in the best possible light to ensure it has the highest chance of being approved. For your benefit, it is also vitally important that your loan is set up with the most favourable structure and competitive interest rates.

We deal with over 40 lenders (including all the majors) and we are familiar with the various terms and requirements of each, in particular in relation to loans for industrial property. Intelligent Finance will represent you in your dealings with each of the lenders and we can work out which is the most appropriate lender based on structure, terms and rates for your industrial property loan.

Because of our expertise, we can help you avoid the many traps that even experienced industrial property owners fall into when borrowing money for this purpose.

Contact Intelligent Finance today for expert assistance and advice in all aspects of loans for industrial property.


Investment Finance

When borrowing money to invest, the structure of the loan is critically important. We often find that people have used their residential property as security for investment loans, but the trouble with this is that they are usually paying extremely high commercial interest rates. Alternatively, they may be using shares or managed funds as security, and paying a rate that is excessive with a structure in place that is not tax efficient.

Intelligent Finance will review your investment loans and ensure they are arranged using the most ideal structure at a competitive rate. If they are not, we can facilitate and project manage the restructure and approval with the new lender.

Contact Intelligent Finance today for our expert insight and advice in all aspects of investment finance.


Medical Practice Loans

Intelligent Finance is able to arrange special pricing on loans for Medical Practicioners. Whether it is for a car, a small piece of equipment or the fit out of a whole new surgery, we are your one stop shop.

We often find that medical practitioners have the wrong loan structures in place as their existing lenders have lent them the money, but have not set up the loans correctly.

Intelligent Finance can review your current or future loan facilities and project manage any action required, taking care of all the paperwork.

Contact the team at Intelligent Finance today to obtain a medical practice loan that is structured favourably for you, and matches your requirements.


Many businesses require extra funds to help with cashflow demands on a month to month basis. While most lenders provide an overdraft facility, there is a big difference between the terms and conditions each lender offers.

We often find that a client’s existing business bank is not the most appropriate institution for them to obtain an overdraft facility from. This is because they are usually too closely involved in the client’s business which can mean they apply a heavier risk rating to the overdraft’s interest rate.

Intelligent Finance deals with over 40 lenders (including the majors) so we are able to provide a range of options beyond your current business bank. Some of the lenders we deal with will even provide you with an overdraft at residential interest rates – and this alone has saved some of our clients up to 4% per annum in interest.

Our substantial experience in assisting clients with arranging overdrafts combined with the time we take to understand your requirements, enables us to quickly identify the most appropriate lender to match your needs.

Contact Intelligent Finance today for advice and assistance in establishing or reviewing an overdraft facility that will support your business in its cashflow needs.

Private Funding

Intelligent Finance deals with many private lenders who have access to private money that can be lent out for various uses. While a normal private loan takes 1- 2 weeks to set up, we have succesfully been able to arrange private loans with same day settlement.

The use of private loans can be secured by first or second mortgages.

Contact Intelligent Finance today for information about how our range of private funding options may suit your finance needs.

Trade and Stock Loans

Many businesses that fail do so due to poor cash flow, not necessarily poor profits. If you feel your business could achieve a higher profit by buying more stock, a Trade and Stock loan is possibly the right solution for you.

When you source product internationally, supplier agreements, terms of trade and payment arrangements rarely conform to any one single standard.

With a correctly structured Trade and Stock Loan, it is fast and easy for your business to pay for imported goods without the need for Letters of Credit, Telegraphic Transfers and any other traditional methods of payment.

A Trade and Stock Loan gives you substantial international buying power. It also means that your assets are not tied up unnecessarily to secure the debt. Intelligent Finance can arrange for your facility to be pre-approved to a fixed purchasing limit.

With it, you’re free to trade as frequently as necessary up to that limit. Intelligent Finance works with several lenders that specialise in this field, so we can work out which is the most appropriate lender and facilitate the loan approval for you.

Contact Intelligent Finance today for a Trade and Stock loan matched specifically to your requirements.

Our Approach

We are the masters of structure. We don’t only look for the lowest rate for our clients, but also how we can structure their loans to better suit their needs.

We set up structures and strategies for funding commercial growth strategies and assets in a way that helps our clients save money and achieve their goals sooner.

Our Services

Property Finance

Property finance is one of our core offerings and an area where we are regarded as a leader within the industry.


Comercial Finance

Over the years, we’ve set up structures and strategies for funding commercial assets that have saved our clients a lot of money. 


Private Lending

You have the goals, we have the means to help you get there. Whatever the project, our team can help you to secure the right financial solution.



We focus on building your assets, but you need to think about protecting them too. We can help to ensure you have adequate protection.


Business asset loans


Getting your finances right is an essential part of growing your business. That’s where our team comes in. We focus on getting your finance structure right so you can focus on your business.



Property Syndicates

Often clients don’t have the time to find the right asset themselves, so we can help syndicate investors to pool money and resources to co-invest.











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