Get In TouchMany businesses require extra funds to help with cashflow demands on a month to month basis. While most lenders provide an overdraft facility, there is a big difference between the terms and conditions each lender offers.
We often find that a client’s existing business bank is not the most appropriate institution for them to obtain an overdraft facility from. This is because they are usually too closely involved in the client’s business which can mean they apply a heavier risk rating to the overdraft’s interest rate.
Intelligent Finance deals with over 40 lenders (including the majors) so we are able to provide a range of options beyond your current business bank. Some of the lenders we deal with will even provide you with an overdraft at residential interest rates – and this alone has saved some of our clients up to 4% per annum in interest.
Our substantial experience in assisting clients with arranging overdrafts combined with the time we take to understand your requirements, enables us to quickly identify the most appropriate lender to match your needs.
Contact Intelligent Finance today for advice and assistance in establishing or reviewing an overdraft facility that will support your business in its cashflow needs.
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